Visitor Information
At the present time the Bank Hall Grounds are only open to the public for our program of Open Days – approximately 10-12 days each year and mainly on a Sunday. Please see the Events page for further information on when we are open. We can frequently facilitate visits by Groups on alternative days by prior arrangement and this will be dependent on the availability of volunteer staff.
The Tower and exhibition area of the Hall itself is now open to the public but access to this is currently by booking only and normally on a Sunday but there may be certain weekdays also. Group visits can also be arranged. Booking the Hall is under the control of Heritage Trust for the North West. Please visit their site: where you will find a link to book.
Please note the following:
Paths - Given the nature of the site the woodland paths are uneven and sensible footwear should be worn. The paths are wood-chipped in December/January. Visitors are requested to keep to the paths at all times.
Disabled Persons - The paths are not regarded as suitable for Wheelchair users particularly during wet weather and again, given the nature of the site, may not be suitable for some walking disabled persons.
Children – Children are welcome but if under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Children are requested to remain on the paths and should not climb trees as they could sustain an injury. For more information please see our Child Protection Policy.
Flowers should not be picked as they are in the grounds for all to enjoy. Parents please be aware that some natural woodland flowers, fungi and berries are poisonous.
Catering – We have very limited facilities at the present time but our Volunteer staff are usually able to provide limited catering on our Open Days.
Parking – At the present time there is limited parking for disabled persons in front of the potting sheds close to the main gate. Parking for others is usually on the car park in front of the Kindergarten or along Carriageway Drive. The Kindergarten Car Park is not available on weekdays (Monday-Friday).
Photographs - Visitors to the Bank Hall site are asked to note that any photographs taken of the Hall or in the grounds are strictly for personal use only and are not to be taken or used for Commercial use. Permission for the use of photographs for Commercial use must be requested prior to any publication. Please see additional information in the Disclaimer, Privacy & Other Statements page – link below.
Dogs – Following a meeting of the FoBH Committee in June 2014, it was agreed that Dogs would be allowed onto the site at our Open Days. However, some Open days will be excluded as will Theatre Events. This decision is subject to a specific Management Plan and also a Code of Conduct. Please follow the link to the Code of Conduct and please note that Dog Leads that extend will not be permitted. Code of Conduct Assistance dogs will still be permitted at all open days. Dog waste must be taken home and not deposited in the general waste bins.
Coronavirus has changed our lives in so many ways but now at Bank Hall we have already been welcoming our visitors and volunteers back on site. We follow Government guidelines so that our visitors and volunteers remain safe.
We continue to provide hand sanitiser both in the Portaloo in the grounds and also in the toilet in the Tower.
Masks are no longer required but if you feel you need to wear a mask, we respect your decision so please do so.
Our Catering staff observe safe practices when handling equipment and food items.
Please note, DO NOT visit the grounds if you are exhibiting any signs of the Covid 19 infection; a new and persistent cough, a high temperature and/or the loss or change of taste and smell.
A track and trace system remains in place, and should the need arise, you will be contacted.
We have reverted back to using Cash on our gate admissions and at our merchandise and Bric-a-Brac stalls. This is because we do not have an electricity supply at the present time and at the point of sale. Pre-booked admission to the Hall is on-line but does not include an admission to the grounds.
Please keep to the paths at all times.
Please do not access the private fenced off area around the Hall as this area is for the use of the residents. In this connection please ensure that children do not climb on the fence.
Please remember that the grounds are a woodland site and visitors are responsible for their own safety.
We intend to protect and keep our Visitors safe, and we trust you will adhere to this, we ask for your continued support please, so help us to help you.
If you have any queries, please contact us using the links on the Contacts Page.